Welcome to the
Global Biotechnology Congress 2019
SEPTEMBER 3 - 5, 2019, Boston, MA, USA Previous Abstract Books Previous List of Delegates
This unique international conference provides a platform for researchers and decision makers in biotechnology to present their latest findings and learn about all the important developments in biotechnology. Many Nobel Laureates and world's renowned experts will participate in the conference.
The conference will cover the translational nature of biotechnological research, with emphasis on both the basic science as well as its applications in industry and academia. Presentations will include major research advances in biotechnology, business development, strategic alliances, partnering trends, product opportunities, growth business models and strategies, licensing and pharmaceutical biotechnology (e.g. vaccines, CNS, cancer, antibodies), medical biotechnology, industrial biotechnology, bioprocess engineering, protein engineering, plant and environmental technologies, transgenic plant and crops, bioremediation, and microbial diversity research.
Throughout the course of the three day conference, you will have the opportunity to both network and hear leaders from the international academic and corporate biotechnology communities.
The conference is organized by Eureka Conference.
The 'Global Biotechnology Congress 2019' would provide eminent scientists the opportunity to present their cutting edge researches in the field of biotechnology and its applications in medicine. A number of Nobel Laureates and leading researchers are expected to participate in this important conference.
Prof. Ferid Murad
Nobel Laureate
Conference Co-President
I would like to welcome the participants to GBC. This should be an exciting event since the leading authorities in their respective fields have agreed to present their latest works during the conference. A large number of students will also be participating in it which should be very educational for them.
Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman, FRS
UNESCO Laureate
Conference Co-President
Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. Kurt Wuthrich
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. Robert Huber
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. Richard R. Ernst
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. Werner Arber
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. Erwin Neher
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. Klaus Von Klitzing
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. Harald Zur Hausen
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. Hartmut Michel
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. Mario Molina
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. Sir Harold Kroto
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. Edmond H. Fischer
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. Paul Greengard
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. K. Barry Sharpless
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. Yuan T. Le
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. Zhores I. Alferov
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. James Cronin
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. Johann Deisenhofer
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. John Robert Schrieffer
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. Martinus J.G. Veltman
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. J. Robin Warren
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. Louis J.Ignarro
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. Kary B. Mullis
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. Ferid Murad
(Nobel Laureate)
Prof. Alan Fersht
Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman
Prof. Goverdhan Mehta
Participants Comments
Prof. Aurea Regina Telles Pupulin
Universidade Estadual de Maringá Brazil
The GBC 2013 was of great importance with respect to scientific discoveries and it was a well organized scientific program.
Dr. Uranchimeg Otoch
National Cancer Center Mongolia
The DDTWC was a successful scientific program and a platform to meet numerous Nobel Laureates and some of the top international scientists. It was a great occasion to attend some stimulating lectures and poster presentations. Some of the highlights of the conference I observed were;
A. Administration.
B. Scientifically motivating
C. The venue.
D. Social activities.
E. Personal interaction of organizers with each participant.
Prof. Antonio Gotto, Jr.
Lewis Thomas University USA
I found the Drug Discovery and Therapy World Congress 2013 to be an exceptionally well organized and scientifically stimulating conference. The lectures were very engaging, conducted at a high level, and exposed me to a wide variety of relevant topics in drug discovery and pharmacotherapy.
Dr. Nesrine Talaat Lamie
Cairo University
I enjoyed the conference and the whole team.
1. The team was so friendly
2. The venue was nice and appealing.
3. The arrangement was good; however the schedule did not match with some speakers.
4. It was not clear for the poster presenter that there will be evaluation of the best poster on the last day of the conference.
5. The speakers did not cover my field of study (pharmaceutical analysis).
I was so pleased to meet some eminent scientists and the team.
Dr. Rathnam Chaguturu
University of Kansas
"A fantastic conference of the highest caliber with ample opportunity to network with world-renowned scientists. A virtual 'high-five' to the conference organizers for their outstanding achievement in making this conference a grand success. I am already looking forward to next year's conference."
Dr. Frida Barak,
Barzilai Medical Center
Overall organization was very good; it was a scientifically stimulating event. The conference venue was also pleasing.
Prof. Illana Gozes,
Tel Aviv University, Israel
It was a very nicely organized conference, in an excellent location, with excellent speakers and interesting interactions.
Dr. David Alexander Potter
University of Minnesota United States
The "small meetings" within a meeting format allowed significant and meaningful scientific interactions.
Dr. J. O. Osayande
Flanders Institute of Biotechnology Belgium
The conference was highly organized with respect to the venue and selection of presented scientific topics, if given another opportunity, I wouldn’t mind joining the conference again in the upcoming years.
Dr. Ivor Cowlrick,
Pharma Communications GmbH Germany
With regard to the congress: It was well organised with a challenging and far-reaching scientific agenda. The Hynes Convention Center in Boston is an excellent venue for any scientific congress. I did not attend any social activities but the colleagues were warm and receptive during the meeting.
Dr. Haya abdulwahab Abubshait
University of Dammam Saudi Arabia
It was a pleasure attending the DDTWC; the congress was scientifically sound and fruitful in all respects.
DDTWC was an excellent and successful event., It was a great opportunity for the scientists interested in various scientific fields and also to gain knowledge from the contributions of the eminent participants.
It would be a pleasure to be part of the future conferences.
Dr. Denise de Oliveira Silva
Instituto de Quimica da Universidade de São Paulo Brazil
It was a great honor to be one of the track-chairs and attend DDTWC in Boston in 2013. The high scientific level, the excellent organization, and the international standard venue located in a very pleasant city, made this a unique event. The high quality sessions promoted exciting discussions between researches from different fields, and led to productive interactions among participants and organizers, in a friendly atmosphere. Congratulations to the organizers!